About Us

About the Front Yard Company

The Front Yard Company designs and manufactures innovative products to make front yards & gardens useful places to securely & attractively store things that are taking up space indoors. It is unique in recognising this need. Currently the range comprises secure cycle-parking and refuse/recycling storage products.

Products that we designed initially for front yards are now purchased for use by businesses & workplaces, schools, supermarkets, community gardens, shops, cafes, parks & local authorities.

Ultimately, we intend the Front Yard Company to be the best-known provider of designs that enable the use of front yard spaces as versatile, sociable places that add to our homes, and lead to a reinvigorated streetscape.

About Front Yards

Front yards are important in three ways: — Their contribution to the street, as a part of our built & designed environment, e.g. walls, railings, bins. — Their contribution to the natural environment, e.g. plants, birds, insects. — Their contribution to the street socially, e.g. a good place to sit on the step and meet your neighbours. Front Yard Company products are always designed with these in mind.

How we work

PlantLock & BinDock are high quality products, that have been designed thoughtfully in regard of their use. Environmental and social considerations are always at the heart of our thinking. Some products specifically use materials previously destined to be waste; others are chosen for their longevity. All can be re-used, adapted or recycled. If you want to know more about these issues in relation to our products, please get in touch.

We offer opportunities to invest in the company, enabling new products that extend the usefulness of front yards in the home. As with PlantLock, many of these have considerable crossover markets. info@frontyardcompany.co.uk.

Two of the founders, Dan Monck & Duncan Kramer.Photo: Barry Cawston / Al Deane

Two of the founders, Dan Monck & Duncan Kramer.
Photo: Barry Cawston / Al Deane

All designs are prototyped and tested many times by us in our workshops. 
See the PlantLock Strength Test Video


Links to similar endeavours:

Green Roof Shelters
Grass Roof Company